Sunday, September 7, 2008

Clinical School

Had been busy in Seremban.

On the first nite in Sremban, we were already deciding on when to go back and how to go back. How funny.

Orientation week was filled with speeches - tormenting us on how busy clinical school would be (no clubs/societies in imu coz it'll eventually die off within 6 months), how each one of us have to be independent and take initiative to learn everything by ourselves...etc etc

It's rather scary listening to all those busy my life will turn out to be...and in the midst of all those i have to scrape out every courage and bravery in me to ask more questions, talk to more patients, perform procedures on REAL patients, learn to be independent....

On top of postings, got IMS (INtegrated Medical Seminar) to do, TBLs (Task Based Learning) and CFCS (Community and Family Case Study) much things, yet so little time...

Sometimes like very hard to breathe.....

But i know now, I have to do my best and learn as much as possible so that I can be a good doctor and keep to my promise I've made during the med school interview and the oath I've taken in med school and certainly my promise to GOD...

The promise of saving other people's lives, ease the burden of individuals and the community, use my skills to help those in need, go for that I can glorify HIS name...

I don't know how good I will be at it. But I am very determined to do so.

1 comment:

Zzzyun said...

hey girl! how are u doing? heard those briefings were super boring!

anyway dont stress urself out too much k. just do ur best and dont drink so much coffee! its bad for ur health and u'll get desensitived when u really need it!!

take care xoxo =)

Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle