Thursday, February 19, 2009

JOURNAL 1 - Watching for God

I'm about to embark on a whole new journey with God...and I am about to pen it down right here, as a testimony for myself and benefit of others...( and sorta to revive my blog as well...hehe)

Here I go...

Date : 19/2/2009
Title : Watching For God
Scripture : 1 Kings 18:41-46

Many a times, in the midst of our busy-ness, we shun God out of our lives. During the days when I have to go to the hospital, every other day is a mundane routine and struggle for me. I dread to wake up to the beginning of the next day and at times, all I want to do is just sleep, so as to avoid myself from thinking about the task and uncertaintiy that is gonna lie ahead of me.

Nevertheless, I continue to pray hard...pray and pray and pray and right now, I think I am beginning to see God's work in me. I begin to see the purpose of whatever I am doing and begin to realize that God has His own purpose for me.

Sometimes (actually all the time), to appreciate God's word, we have to open our heart fully to Him and wholly depend on Him. Next question is, "Would that make us totally dependent on Him?" I guess, we gotta be "selectively" dependent on Him (if you know wat i mean. We have to do our art to the very best and whatever we can't control, we leave it to Him. I've tried this many times before and guess what? He never leaves me struggling, He blesses me and shows me the way, in His own, mysterious ways...Bless the LORD!!!

If we fo not open u our hearts, minds, ears and eyes for HIm, we may end up like Elijah's servant in 1 Kings 18; not being able to reognize God's answer for us. We have to tune ourselves to God's frequency by consistently looking out for His word'works.

1 Kings 18 :44 ; A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea
1 King's 18 :45 ; Meanwhile the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on...
Only Elijah recognized that the small wisp of cloud was God's work at hand. Who would've thought that the small wisp of cloud would bring rain over the drought that has empowered Israeal for years? Only Elijah did.

In summary, this scripture has taught me two things :
1. The power of prayer (Elijah prayed and prayed for the rain to come)
2. Tune in with the Lord so that I can recognize his work/word

Thought For The Day :
A tiny change can signal the beginning of a miracle. Think small!! - Jolynne Keough

There it is --- the journal from my Growth Journal...Hope that in future I would have time to journal...


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Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle