Thursday, August 27, 2009

Phony Laughter - Laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when laughter ends, the grief remains...

I came across this, during quiet time :

Hunter Adams, the physician whose life story was the basis for the 1998 film Patch Adams, has spent his career encouraging doctor-patient relationships that rely heavily on the use of humour and play. Adams believes establishing this kind of connection with a patient is essential to improving their physical and emotional health.

Laughter and humour are an important part of life. The book of Proverbs says " a cheerful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17 :22). Generally speaking, all of us ould use more laughter in our lives.

While there's certainly a time of humour, however, sometimes laughter can be a disguise. People can actually appear to be extrememly happy, yet inside they feel like an emotional wreck. as a counselor, I;ve had a front row seat to people telling some og the most tragic stories of personal suffering, only to end by laughing about it. It's true. Sometimes laughter or making a joke is little more than a cover-up. We can joke around us as a way to hide from others so they won't take us seriously. And many of us have learned to play the clown and hide a lot of deep heartache behind our humour and wit. The book of proverbs says " Laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when laughter ends, the grief remains" (Proverbs 14 : 13). Although laughter can mask the pain, the pain is still there and we need to address it.

There comes a time in everyone's life when we must face the heartache of life rather than hide from it. There's a time to turn our laughter into mourning (Eccletasiastes 7:3) and invite God to speak words of comfort and healing into wounded places of our heart.

Don't let phony laughter get in the way of the comfort and healing only God can bring. - Jeff Olson

Haih, sometimes I think this message applies to me. I may be all happy, smiling and portraying a cheerful personality on the outside, but sometimes it is just a facade to hide some of my heartaches....There are some heart-wrenching incidents in my life, and I choose not to face it and it's probably somewhere hidden in my hippocampus....and I try so hard to be with other people, so that I can take my mind of things and be happy....but I guess it's better to face it?

But, reality is so cruel and I dare not face it sometimes, so I choose to avoid. Not a very brave move, but I can save myself from the heartache for the time being. However, I know the BEST way is to FACE it and DEAL with it. But it's not easy. Haih. But when you're done dealing with it, it will feel so much better. Wished I had all the courage and wisdom in the world.

But, I'm happy. I know that God has prepared for me an exciting journey ahead. And the only person I have to answer to is God. Nobody else. So, as long as I live my life right with Him, I don't have to worry about anything or anybody. And I learnt my lesson. The most important thing is to FINISH THE RACE. Though no matter how well you started the race, but if you stumble in the end, all the effort is deemed worthless. Slow and steady wins the race. :)

P.S.- So many buts...that's my life, full of buts...
Haiyo, it has been long since I posted up a happy post...hmm, shall get pics from others to cheer up my blog a bit!!!

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Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle