Sunday, December 23, 2007

I Believe

This moment has arrived, Finally...I chose to believe.

I am an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life, in an ordinary place.

I asked myself all my life, what is my purpose in life? Why am I alive in this world? What will happen if I die?

These questions clouds my mind whenever I have my mind all to myself. I have been striving to find answers throughout my life and I had always left them unanswered each time these questions crept into my mind, each time wondering, "Will I even find the answers to these questions?" What is wrong with me? Does anyone else wonder the same thing? Can't I just get on with life and not worry bout all these things?

Nonetheless, I still keep asking myself, I believe that someday I will be able to solve the puzzle. And the day came. Because I didn't stop believing.

One night, as usual, my mind was wandering, weaving through the maze of idealism. I asked myself for I think the tri-zillionth time, " Where would I go if I die?" And this time, within a matter of 1/1000000000 seconds, the answer just popped into my mind. Actually, it didn't just pop into my mind. Pop is too inanimate a word. It was rather, a small voice. A small voice that has spoken to my mind, a small voice that cleared all the doubts I had in my mind for years - a small voice that made a HUMONGOUS change in my life. It was a calling, for me, at least.

I began to see things differently. I begin to let go of my past which I had been clinging onto tightly because I was afraid of letting it go, afraid of what will happen if i do not conform anymore... I did not dare to walk out of my comfort zone and did not dare to take this leap of faith. And when I finally chose to put a feet out of the comfy box I am living in, I realize there is a whole new sight, a whole new world yet to be explored.

In time to come, I hope that I will be able to rediscover myself, renew my hope and faith and discover the companion whom I opened my heart to. I hope I will stay by His side through my journey of life, through every step I walk and through every breath I draw.

For I believe, without Him, I will not be here.

Today, 22nd December, is a very significant day. A day that would probably rewrite my life forever. Today is the day I said YES to Pastor Margaret when she asked me the life-turning trivia. And from now on, life will be ordinary no more - it'll be EXTRAORDINARY. And now I know love transcends "ordinary-ness".

Goodness comes when you start believing.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life."

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Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle